It is not rude, it is not self –seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It protects always, trust always, hopes always, perseveres always.”
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.
God’struth - love is pushy, bossy, cruel.
You can’t slap it away or turn your back.
it buzzes in your ears,
and if you land a hit,
you find your hands covered in a stinking residue.
It won’t wash away.
Love is envious- a greedy bitch who needs an audience-
even if it’s one lonely clapper in the stands- the one who lingers on
long after every one else is gone.
Love boasts- I came, I saw, I conquered
and in the dust that remains,
your remains have been trodden.
The dust cloaks my throat,
jus gi’ me a cool drink of water befo I dieee
Love is rude,
smack talkin,
lip tossing,
hip throwing them bows- hit you dead center,
white hot lightning in your bones
turns you to dust
Love rages,
destroys your peace,
Kali dancing, flays your skin,
leaving you exposed
Love leaves its mark both hidden and not,
the knot in your tongue, in your heart, in your throat
If you choke on love, will you rise again?
It’s such a heavy weight
Love lies in other’s eyes
It looks so real but so does fool’s gold
Are you such a fool to believe?
Love leaves you bare,
hopes exposed to jeers ,
trust – broken shards beneath your knees,
will you crawl?
Love is the only thing we yearn for endlessly,
‘cause love makes fools of us all
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